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Sedation Dentistry

Some studies show that 60% of the population have dental anxiety and 5 to 10% have “dental phobia.”  

At Blooming Dental, we provide different types of dental sedation to customize sedation option to suit your needs.

Nitrous sedation


Considered the lightest form of sedations, it is commonly referred to as “laughing gas.” We can adjust the level of sedation simply by adjusting the concentration of nitrous gas that is delivered to your nose piece. This form of sedation is also available for kids over the age of 5.


Oral sedation


Another form of sedation is in the form of oral pills. We can provide sedation through orally then wait until your anxiety level reduces to start treatment. You would be completely conscious throughout the appointment but may have little to no recollection of the treatment afterwards.


IV sedation


The highest form of sedation that can be offered at our office is IV sedation. Our expert team is trained to provide IV sedation to make your treatment comfortable and calming.  

We are committed to listen to your concerns to make your visit as comfortable as possible. 


Contact us to book your appointment today soon.


Please email us at for more information, or to schedule an appointment with your dentist, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

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